Engineering Services for wellbore integrity challenges

 Engineering services and deployment 

Our technology is based on chemical treatment, and engineering expertise that diagnoses and evaluates the application prescribes the appropriate solutions through novel methodology and techniques that maximize the asset value of our customers.

Our execution culture and core value make us committed to accepting only the jobs that we are confident we can solve. Our main asset is our dedicated scientists and engineers who have globally executed hundreds of jobs through different applications in well integrity challenges.

Our Remedial solutions are customized to deploy and work in all different operations, either Rig operation or Rig-less (well intervention) operation
The deployment process is  based on applications requirements as the following:

1-      Surface applications through well intervention process.

          - Chemical injection Pump with small mixing package,

2-      Downhole applications through well intervention process. 

          - Coil Tube - Coil Hose.

           - Wireline/Slickline (Dump Bailer)

Notice: Based on the application and Job design volume, a small mixing facility might be required.

3-       Downhole application through the workover-drilling operation.
           Due to flexible design, our products can be customized, mixed, and pumped by
rig facilities / Cement unit

How we get the job successfully done

Ionsnor® is committed to delivering a high standard of services within effective time by creating and implementing their own two rule of services:

1-    Ionsnor® 48 hrs. Rule of response

48hrs. rules of response represent our team's effectiveness to deliver full technical, commercial proposals to the client from the time we get the information questionnaires.

2-    Ionsnor® Job execution criteria.
We get the candidate job successfully done by implementing our 10 Job execution criteria, which is the base value we stand to evaluate, accept, plan and execute the candidate job,

contact us for more details. 




Contact Us

Contat Us for Inquiry


Christopher Bredal Hay-Djup
Tel: +47 920 80 306

.Ionsnor committed to response
Within 24hrs
From the initial contact
48hrs rule of response
to deliver a full technical-commercial proposal
From getting information questionnaires