Downhole Water Injections

Oxygen Scavenger for Oil & Gas 

Using effective, safe, and environmentally friendly products in the Oil & Gas industry became an essential requirement for most of the chemicals being used. 
The use of oxygen scavengers is more critical in applications in which fluids (brine, completion fluids & water injection) are to be circulated in the wellbore.

IonsNor® provide Safe, effective, and cost-reducing oxygen Scavenger product, minimize corrosion result from or exacerbated by dissolved oxygen, 
our oxygen scavengers capture the dissolved oxygen in a harmless chemical reaction that renders the oxygen unavailable for corrosive reactions.

Contact Us

Contat Us for Inquiry


Christopher Bredal Hay-Djup
Tel: +47 920 80 306

.Ionsnor committed to response
Within 24hrs
From the initial contact
48hrs rule of response
to deliver a full technical-commercial proposal
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