Surface & Downhole Leaks

SSustained annulus pressure

IonSeal Sealant solution represents an effective solution for sustained annulus pressure (SAP) application whether the pressure builds up or drops down, our service package provides easy and less complex operation- cost reduction.

IonSeal Solution delivers a high rate of penetration through microchannels, micro-annuli, voids, pores, and small cracks, pumpable thru BHA, BIT, CT, Coil Hose, and control line, overcomes all cement defects, withstand downhole thermal and pressure cycles due to its superior mechanical characteristics and flexibility.

IonSeal Sealant solution has a simple- flexible design that it can customize to fit all downhole applications

-          Casing leak

-          Packer leak

-          Linger hunger leak


We can control the Sealant flow by adjusting the viscosity at the desired value that precisely fit well specifications.        We can adjust and control density as the same as well fluids to eliminate and minimize fluid segregation.

We can simply adjust and control setting time as long as required to ensure safe and effective operations.


IonSeal Sealant solution is an integral, durable barrier, chemical & corrosion resistant, immiscible with wellbore fluids with high contamination tolerance and competitive price.

Our service package consists of small Pumping and mixing package for surface leaks.

For downhole leak - applications, IonSeal Sealant solution is safe and easy to pump through a rig pump, using a slug-pit for mixing (only dead volume to consider), or even through a cement pump unit and batch mixer.

Contact Us

Contat Us for Inquiry


Christopher Bredal Hay-Djup
Tel: +47 920 80 306

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From the initial contact
48hrs rule of response
to deliver a full technical-commercial proposal
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